Famous Last Words: I'm so close!

I can't believe I only have six weeks left! I remember my first semester like it was a few days ago. Then I transferred to OU and here I am about to have a Bachelor's Degree under my belt! It's crazy how fast time flies! Part of me is going to miss the whole school thing but I think I'm ready to close that chapter of my life after these four years. I'm happy with the growth I've made not only academically, but socially and the amount that I've come out of my shell and learned to socialize with people. I don't dread huge family gatherings anymore. This semester I'm making a quilt top to make an instruction set for my Capstone class, and of course, I'm making a super fun storybook in this class! This class has been loads of fun, though overwhelming with commenting. It's okay though, the feedback is important, whether I'm giving it or receiving it. I think that's my top two projects this semester... but who knows the semester isn...