Week 8 Reading and Writing

I have had the most fun in this class! It's gotten to the point that I show my friends and co-workers my blog and lately my in-progress storybook. I update a few select people in my life, including one of my shift leads at work about my work just in this class. I thought this class was going to be super intense, but I just enjoy it more as time goes on. I have to make myself work on my other classes' homework rather than this one.

Though my blog is very much the default, I like how it looks. Probably the only thing I need to do is go back and edit my first few posts and fix some links.

My storybook looks good to me. I'm so excited about it like I said, I show everyone. I made my little sister look at it. She was really confused by all the unknown names.

As far as reading notes go: I have a weird way of doing it. I usually find whatever story I'm interested in rewriting and have some small direct idea of how I want to rewrite it. I write up a post sometimes including my idea and sometimes not. If I'm not going to have access to the story later I try to include all of the names of characters and places that I'm going to need to look back at. Then I start writing, and it doesn't always turn out like my idea. But that's okay, it's fun!

To me, my biggest accomplishment is the different ways I've been able to write in this class. I've experimented with different tenses and point of views. It's been nice being able to do this is really short stories. I discovered in my last few creative writing courses that I'm usually better at writing short stories rather than something more long-winded. Experimenting in writing is good, and this class has been a good opportunity for me. Also, this has helped with my confidence about my writing.

Fairy: I used this image for a story at the beginning of the semester and I just really like it. Decided I wanted to use it again. Maybe it's because of my fascination with fairies in my reading history during my younger years.


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