Week 9 Story: Bakasura's End

I rode the wagon out to the cave. I'm only here because Mother asked me. She asked me to save these poor townspeople that have sheltered us.

I know I'm here to defeat the feared rakshasa Bakasura. I'm jolted from my thoughts as the wagon crashes into the side of the opening of the cave. The wagon collapses and I fall with it. They couldn't even make a wagon sturdy enough, no wonder they're being munched on.

I take a look around. All the food the townspeople sent is spilled on the ground around me. I realize I'm hungry. I shrug and decide to enjoy a meal here before seeking out this Bakasura. No sense in wasting the food

I begin to chow down on the delicious fruits, bread, and cheeses when I feel something peppering my back. That is annoying, but this food sure is delicious. With a sigh, I leave the rest of the food lying there.

I lick my lips as I stand and turn to see the cause of the annoyance. There an ugly rakshasa stands glaring. In his hands are a handful of small rocks. 

I wipe my hands on my trousers and sigh, acknowledging that it's time to rid of this annoyance.

I leap into the air and slam my fist into his face. Within seconds he's pinned to the ground panting. Annoyed at how easy that was I grab a large branch within arm's length and slam it into his head.

As his head splits open and begins seeping his blue blood onto the ground below us I shake my head. I give it a few seconds and check to make sure he is lifeless for good and turn to finish my meal before I have to head back into town. At least Mother will be happy. 
Author's Note: I decided to rewrite the scene of Bheema slaughtering Bakasura from the comic book I read. I decided to represent him as I thought he might feel. He's this big hero, but all he wants is to sit and enjoy the good things in life. I wanted to fight to be easy and more of an annoyance that he shrugs off. 
Story Source: The Pandava Princes: Pandu's Five Brave Sons


  1. Hi Aleshia,

    I love the perspective that you took on this story. It was so interesting to hear it from Bheema's point of view. You really demonstrated well his tones and thoughts. It truly felt that he was bothered by everything around him and just wanted to enjoy his food! I think that is such a funny and great way of portraying him. It was so easy to follow your story and it kept my attention the whole time. I really loved this!

  2. Hi Aleshia, I really liked your story. The first-person perspective is inventive and interesting. Bhima is a cool, interesting character. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that he is a simple man who wants to enjoy the simple things in life. Also, it is so cool that you read a comic book about the Mahabharata. I have been meaning to check those out and have not made it to the library yet.

  3. Hi Aleshia,
    I really like your story and I am so glad that you gave us Bhima's perspective. The encounter you have between the two is great and I think that the inside look on what Bhima is thinking is intriguing. You portray Bhima in a very minimalist way where you don't question anything about him. Overall, good read and I look forward to reading more!

  4. Hi Aleshia, I really liked your story! I notice on every section of your paragraph it starts with “I”, which made me think it was going to be a poem. But I like how you made it first person, so I could understand Bhima’s perspective! It was all descriptive in your text which made it better. Good job! I hope to read more stories later on!


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