Famous Last Words: I have news!

So technically I really am a writer!

Let me backtrack just a second. July of 2017 I had a couple of big life events that caused me to attempt to drop out of school. I unenrolled for the fall semester and wasn't planning on going back, but between a dear friend and my boyfriend at the time I went back.

I went back last Christmas break of 2017. I ended up going from December up until December straight with no more than two weeks in between classes. You could say I was exhausted by the time that last Christmas break rolled around.

But that's to get to the point, I ended up taking a creative writing course at OCCC last spring because that was the only way it worked with my schedule and I had to have the credit for my degree. Best decision ever!

Not only did I discover that I actually enjoy writing creative nonfiction, but also I produced four short stories. Two were creative nonfiction and the other two were fiction.

My professor of the class happened to be the editor of the Absolute Literary Journal, which is published by OCCC. She was a wonderful lady, by the way. She highly encouraged all of us to submit our work from that class to the journal.

Well, I took the time and edited them one final time before the fall semester started and submitted them. I just got a letter in the mail telling me that at least one of those short stories was accepted and is actually being published.

So, here I am about to graduate as an English Writing major and technically speaking I'm already published! It's just a small step and a small journal, but it's most definitely a step and I'm happy!

Maybe once I graduate I can produce a few more stories and see how that goes...

Here is the link to read the story, under the 2019 edition: "But Did You Love Him?" by Aleshia Hamm.


  1. Aleshia,

    Congrats on the news that you were published. That is a wonderful accomplishment! Isn’t writing wonderful? Like you I have found that I enjoy fiction writing too. Exploring places, characters, and ideas helps take me to other places without leaving the comfort of home. I wish you good fortune in your future endeavors and may you have many characters come to life through the creativity of your words!

  2. Hi Aleshia,

    It’s so cool that you’ve been published, and it’s great that fate worked it out so that you could connect to your love of fiction and non-fiction writing.

    I know for me it’s been such a joy to get back to pure creative writing for the first time in years in this class, and so I know just how satisfying it is!



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