Growth Mindset: Look for the Positive and Breathe

"You Will Be Okay"
I need to remind myself this every day. I stress at work because I need more time, then I stress about school and homework because I need more time, and then I stress because I don't have time for myself. Sometimes you just have to breathe and remember that "you will be okay."

"Find the Lesson"
This post was talking about failure. We aren't really geared by society to go out and find the failure to learn from. Instead, we're taught that failure is something negative. But if I can apply myself to realize that failure is an opportunity to learn, things look a little more positive.


  1. Hey Aleshia,
    I really relate to the way you describe the pressure of not having enough time. I consistently feel as if work and school are closing in on me and the world will crumble if I cannot get everything completed. It is so important to remind ourselves to push through the busy times to remember: all the hard work will be worth it.


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