Introduction to an English Nerd

I'll start with the basics, I'm an English Writing major with a minor in History. It might surprise you, I started out as a Math Education major. All through junior high and high school, I thought I wanted to be a high school math teacher when I grew up. One thing I've learned, don't try to plan everything out. It never works out the way you see it going. I started out at USAO in Chickasha, OK where I lived the most miserable year of my life. My best friend from high school chose to go to OU and I always said I would never go there because they were "too obsessed with football." Of course, OU is exactly where I ended up and I love it.

Throughout my college career, I learned that I have a love for American Literature and that history is actually my thing. I hated history in high school, but taking a Western history class at OU opened my eyes. It's the connection between today and all of the yesterdays that make it so interesting. As my Oklahoma history professor said last semester "the history of Oklahoma is in the people of Oklahoma," which is absolutely right. Oklahoma has quite a lot of tragic history in it's past, but today we have to learn from those mistakes and make today better.

I'll just throw some random facts in here to change up my talk about school. I'm most definitely addicted to coffee. I love romance books, movies, you name it. Not that I have time to watch anything. I'm working full-time for Walgreens, where I technically run the cosmetic department as far as stocking, ordering, and keeping it clean goes. I've been with them for a year, but before that, I worked at Walmart for three years as a cashier. Apparently, I can't stay away from the retail life. I enjoy quilting, writing, reading, cooking, and cleaning. I'm supposed to be graduating in May, and I'm pumped because then I can focus more time on the things I enjoy.

School Writing


  1. Oh, it sounds like this will be a great class for you, Aleshia! It is very much about looking at the past, but in terms of stories, not histories (although there's a reason why those words are similar: story and history at EtymOnline). India is a really fascinating country in the sense that it did not really practice "history" in the way that the Greeks and Romans did; they have an ancient storytelling tradition, with all kinds of stories -- the epics are just part of the picture -- but they were not interested in what we would call history. So when the British arrived and colonized India, they were baffled: they wanted to know the history of the place, but it was not easy to find out. There were stories and legends, thousands and thousands and thousands of them, but it was hard to match up those stories of the past with the years when things happened. So, for example, the greatest poet /dramatist of the Indian tradition, Kalidasa, is someone we know well: we have his poetry, his plays, and they are amazing and beautiful (you might want to read his play Shakuntala for this class). But we don't know what century he lived in: Kalidasa at Wikipedia.

    So, I'm guessing you will see all kinds of things in the reading for this class that will connect up with what you have done in other English and History classes... but there will also be things that are new and different about it. I only started studying Indian storytelling traditions in graduate school... but once I did, I was completely hooked! I hope you will enjoy it too. :-)

  2. Hi, I too was hesitant to go to OU since it has a reputation of being a sports driven school. I am glad I came here and I have loved it here. I am glad you enjoy OU as well. I think history is so interesting and seeing the historical connection and impacts of the past impact todays modern society is mind blowing. I am also a big romance girl. Any rom-com especially cheesy Hallmark movies has my name written all over it. It is so exciting that you're graduating! Good luck on your last semester!

  3. Hi Aleshia,
    It is great to meet you and read your blog! I am also a coffee addict. I am pretty sure coffee is the key to life and being successful. Romance books and movies are my life, which is weird for my boyfriend because he only likes to watch Adam Sandler movies. I also love your blog layout! I chose the same one, so safe to say you have a great sense of style!

  4. Aleshia, this introduction is so funny. I grew up in Chickasha and lived a block away from USAO where my father worked for nearly 30 years... I lived there for 22 years. Obviously I ended up at OU as well, not that I necessarily hate USAO, they just do not have engineering which is the field I am studying. I know at least one of the professors in the history department at USAO and I know he is awesome, but Chickasha is not for everyone. I enjoyed living there, but to someone not from there I can understand your distaste.

  5. Hi Aleshia,

    It's really nice to meet you. I completely agree with your comment to not always plan everything out. This is sort of my mantra in my life. When I joined OU, I was planning on becoming a biomedical engineer, but when I took a intro to psychology course, I realized that I was much more interested in psychology. Also, I love to watch romance movies, read, and cook in my free time.

  6. Hi Aleshia,

    I laughed when I read the part of your introduction about ending up going to OU even though your friend told you not to, because I'm from Norman, and growing up I ALWAYS thought I would go away for school. I never even considered going to OU, but applied just to be safe, and after visiting other schools, I ended up loving OU the most.

  7. Hey Aleshia! It is always fascinating for me to meet people with entirely different majors because I feel like I am able to get a whole new insight/perspective on things. Like you, I hated History when I was in high school, it was a subject that had never clicked with my brain. I am curious to see that if I were to take a History class here, if my opinion would change like it did for you.

  8. First off, it is very nice to meet you!I am glad you were able to turn such a negative experience into something unexpectedly positive! I completely agree on the whole don't don't try and plan everything out mentality as I have changed my major 3 times! What are you planning on doing once you graduate? I would also love to see some of your quilting, what a cool hobby!

  9. Hey Aleshia
    First of all, I love your last name! I think you have chosen a great major. I do want ask, do you plan on becoming an english teacher? I read that you wanted to be high school math teacher and wanted to know if educating students is still your goal. I do know that life does not always go how you want it though. I also love romance books!. What is your favorite?
    Your classmate,
    Joanna Yoon

  10. Hey Aleshia, I think it is awesome that you are an education major. I enjoy history as well and can understand your appreciation for it as well. I’m addicted to coffee as well. Although my sleep schedule is pretty good, I just enjoy the taste of coffee and if I’m not awake, then it definitely helps me wake up and have a successful day.

  11. Aleisha, I think it's super cool that you found your passion and realized that math education was not the thing for you. I also find it admirable that you switched to OU because you thought it would be a better fit. I also think it's really cool you're into literature. Would you say you have a favorite book?

  12. Hi Aleshia, I can totally sympathize with the idea that OU is too focused on football. I kind of hate football season. In my mind, its unfair that so much fuss is made over football when some of the other teams at OU (like the Womens' Gymnastics team) are so much more successful. But, despite that facet, I also really love OU. I've found an incredible community of nerds in the Engineering College. I'm glad you've found a place you love here too.

  13. Hi Aleshia,

    I thought the same thing before coming to OU, I had plans to move out of state and everything, but OU offered me more money (Can't say no to being less broke). I think it was a fantastic decision now. I love to cook, drink coffee and read too. Are you reading anything in your spare time currently? I admire that you realized your interests changed and went with it, I am so close to graduation and only just now questioning all of my life choices. Congratulations on graduating this semester!

  14. Hi Aleshia,

    It is great to meet you! I'm glad you decided to give OU a chance, and have reaped benefits because of it. It is even greater that you found your passion! I struggled with finding what I wanted to do for the longest time, but I am thankful to have been able to explore different careers. I also share your love of coffee. I used to not care too much for it, but now I can't live without it! I hope you have a great semester.

  15. Hi Aleshia. English writing and History sound so interesting. Getting to focus full time on great works of literature and amazing events in history seems like so much fun. I am glad that you love OU; it is such a fantastic school. I hope you make it to graduation, and I hope that you have a great semester in this class.

  16. Hi Aleshia,

    Do you have any idea what you want to do with English Writing? Something creative? Something historical, touching both worlds? So much of history is about reading other's writing, which certainly requires a great deal of experience writing yourself.

    Congratulations on your upcoming graduation!


  17. Hi Aleshia,

    I think it's really awesome that you found something you're passionate about. English writing and history sounds like a really interesting field to get into. I'm also happy that you ended up loving OU! While football is definitely a big part of the culture here I think there's lots of different things to like about this school. I hope you have a good semester and congrats on making it this far!

  18. Hey Aleshia,
    I completely agree with out about trying to plan out life. I came in college not knowing what I would major in but that I wanted to go into medicine. I stayed with medicine but changed majors about three times and finally stuck with Biochemistry! What kind of history are you interested in? I have always been fascinated by history but just never liked all the writing. If there were a history class where I could just read, I would love that!

  19. Howdy Aleshia,
    I can definitely relate to the whole do not plan everything in life out situation. I think it is awesome that you found areas of interest and are majoring in them. I loved history in high school, but I think I liked it because it was an easy grade for me. I have always been an OU fan, but it was not one of the first schools I had thought about going to because of the fact I am from Texas, and the out of state tuition is absolutely ridiculous. I am also here at OU on a whim, but I have found that I would not change my decision for the world. I love it here. Good luck on your second half of the semester!

  20. Hi Aleshia! I think it’s so cool that you’re an English Writing major. I definitely agree that you shouldn’t always plan everything out and follow it because nothing ever goes as planned. With that being said, I always thought that I wanted to go to medical school, but along the way, I found my passion in psychology. Moreover I can definitely relate to you about history, I never really liked psychology until I got to college as well.

  21. Hi Aleshia! I was so happy to get to hear about your journey and what led you here to OU. I always love hearing those stories because I feel like everyones is so unique. I agree, it is not helpful to try and plan everything out. I heard once that is a great way to make God laugh, make plans! I am so excited that you found a college you love and a major/minor that you enjoy. I wish you lots of luck in the future!

  22. Hi Aleshia! I agree about the OU football thing. I'm not really a sports person and I know OU is heavy into sports. I felt like growing up, that's all I heard people associate and talk about OU- the sports. It's not that I hate sports, but not knowing a lot about sports stats or how the actual games work, of course I wouldn't want to be where sports are the culture. I still don't really follow sports, and went to maybe two football games, but I realized how many niches a university even such as OU has. I also liked how forthcoming you were about life being life and plans changing! I think this was one of the hardest aspects for me to grapple with in college- I felt everyone knew their path and not knowing mine made me nervous. However, I feel I am much more myself and happier figuring out what I like/want. I think having people be more upfront helps people feel less alone.

  23. Hi Aleshia!
    It's really great that you seem to really enjoy what you're doing in your academic career now. I hope that continues, and wish you the best of luck. Can I say that I really connect with this statement "Not that I have time to watch anything" hahaha? It feels as though there really is no time to do anything outside of school anymore smh. It's good to meet you! :D

  24. Hello there, Aleshia!

    I think it is so cool that you're an english writing major and history minor! I think it would be so cool to study literature and learn more about good writing strategies... I'm sure that kind of work would really benefit you in this class! It's also cool that you started off as a math education major, though you did make a big jump to your current major. Still planning on teaching? I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts!

  25. OU on the surface does seem like such a football school. To be fair, it is! But people don’t realize that there so much more to OU than football. I don’t think there’s any harm in having a plan, you just need to know how to let it go and make different docisions if when the time comes it doesn't work out. I too am a big fan of romance novels and movies...we can dream can’t we? I worked retail for about a year...I have no idea how you can still stand for it but hey, it clicks with some people!

  26. Hey Aleshia, nice to meet you! I totally agree with you, you cant plan everything out. When I was applying for colleges I was certain I was going to go into musical theater...that didn't work out. I never felt at home in any of the programs I auditioned for until I found the music school here at OU! Now I'm majoring in vocal performance! The world of classical music is something I didn't enjoy in highschool, rather like you with history, but now I'm obsessed with it. Funny how that happens! That's quite commendable that you're able to work full time and be a fulltime student, I'm sure it keeps you plenty busy! Congratulations on your anticipated graduation and I'm glad you fond something to study here that you are passionate about!

  27. Hi Aleshia,

    It is so interesting how you did a complete flip from math to history. It is so great that you followed your passions, however, and love what you do now. I also love coffee! There is not a single day where you will not find me walking with a cup in my hand. It is great that you were also able to love OU and call it your home now. I am curious to know what you plan to do after graduation with your major?

  28. Hi Aleshia,
    It was really cool to read your blog and see some common ideas we have. I am a Microbiology Major here at OU but none of that sentence was the plan my senior year of high school. I am from Southern California and was going to go to school close to home and I wanted to be an engineer. So I am in complete agreement with you when you say its better not to plan everything out! I also am addicted to coffee if fact I work at a coffee shop in the library!

  29. Hey Aleshia,
    It is really great to meet you! I feel you with the whole major change dynamic. I was a Psychology major when I started out and now I am Letters and Religious Studies, which is a whole other dynamic. I enjoy a good cup of coffee every now and then, but I prefer tea most times. I look forward to reading your stories!

  30. Hi Aleshia! It is cool how you’re an English Writing Major and this class is perfect for you because it involves a lot of writing. I give perks to people who love to write and are passionate because I know I suck at writing. And I love how you enjoy drinking coffee because I do too! It’s what keeps me going. Good luck in your classes!

  31. Hi Aleshia. It is nice to meet you. I too enjoy classic American literature. My favorite is from the turn of the century and goes further into more absurdist writings. Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy is by far my favorite one. If you ever have some spare time you should definitely give it a read. I recommend it to anyone.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Aleshia,

    I’m glad you made it out of Chickasha and over to Norman. I won’t trash talk Chickasha, but I personally find Norman a much more exciting place to be comparatively speaking. As for your job at Walgreens, I bet you see some interesting things. You know how there is the website, People of Walmart? My wife and I have a running joke about the people that find their way into Walgreen’s late at night and it far exceeds anything one might find on People of Walmart. I’ll be the first to admit that I have gone to the pharmacy after midnight clad in pajamas. But that is tame stuff compared to what we have seen on late night runs. I’d love to hear your perspective. Maybe you could sneak an anecdote into one of your stories.


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