My Feedback Thoughts

Why rejection hurts so much- and what to do about it.
I related to this so much, but it also felt like a slap in the face. I focus so much on the negativity in my life that I so often overlook all of the positive. In light of how feedback helps, last semester I participated in a workshop for my fiction writing course. First time I've ever let an entire class read my work and then sit through a discussion. Talk about ripping someone to shreds, but in the end, there were so many things that I was able to get out of it about how to make my work better. Feedback is important, even when it sucks to hear.

Neil Gaiman's Advice on the Creative Life
I'm sure we've all heard about people channeling everything into some great work of art. Whether that be music inspiration or some other form of art. I want to write, and that's when I'm going to have the biggest surge of emotion. So that's when I should channel everything into my work. I felt like this article was some good advice that I should always remember. I should focus on doing my thing, even when the feedback I'm receiving isn't in my favor. It might help me out when I don't feel so wounded later on. That's how it worked in my workshop last semester. I was able to use my feedback... after nursing my bruised feelings for a while. But it was worth it and it taught me something.


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