My Time Strategies

In actuality, I'm one of those people who usually does good with time management and balancing a hundred things. I'm a huge creature of habit and will fall into the same old schedule week after week, which can be good and it can be bad. One of the articles I read mentioned habits. That is my biggest problem and also it's not a problem. Last semester for an example; my weeks went by on repeat, I work the exact same schedule every week and class is at the same time, then I fit in my homework time in all the extra time not designated to one of those. I got to church the same two times every week and everything repeats week after week. It works. Most definitely, but it gets old after some time.

I struggle with not giving myself enough "me time." I'm a huge advocate about getting everything done, but you can't forget about yourself along the way. After a while, I know I have upcoming assignments that I need to start early on but I'm stressed because I haven't had a minute to focus on giving myself a breather. I thrive on social life, but goodness my life gets busy when school is happening.

In the other article I read, I fit into the burning myself category and trying to juggle too much. I already knew this but I don't think I considered it a problem. I have learned that sometimes you have to say no and do what you need to do for you. As in the past, I'm probably going to try to set the goal every week to get my homework done before the weekend but it probably won't happen. There's only so much I can do before I need a study break. I will remember that the spring semesters aren't as intense as the fall because there is actually a break in the middle of it.

So this semester will essentially follow the same time schedule as last semester, but I'm going to try my best to have some time each week to socialize or go have fun or something for at least a little bit. As I'm working ahead right now, I think this will help me a lot throughout the semester. I am also taking a lighter load of classes to finish up my degree this semester.

The Important Habit of Just Starting
11 ways unsuccessful people mismanage their time
Motivation, Time Management, Inspiration


  1. I hear you, Aleshia! That "learning to say no" is one of the hardest things! I've gotten better at that now that I've gotten older... and it's even more urgent now: being over 50, I actually have to think to myself when I look at all the projects that I want to do (books to write!), eeeek, just how much time do I really have left? What projects are really practical for me to get done? But that's good: it helps me to think about what's really important, more than I used to anyway.

    Quick note about links: sometimes URLs are just long and weird-looking, so it's better to use link text and not display the URL. So especially with something like that Business Inside article with the crazy-long URL, it would work better as link text where you highlight the title, click the link button, and then paste in the URL. Easier for humans to read; you don't need to show the URL to us humans: 11 ways unsuccessful people mismanage their time


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