Reaction to Assignments

Honestly, my first thought after reading over what this semester was going to be like I was a little terrified. Mostly because five to six hours of homework sounds menacing, but my excitement is rising little by little as I've dived into everything.

I think the completion grade idea will help me a lot. I can focus on doing my assignments and not be stressing that it's not good enough once I've turned it in. I also feel like it allows for more creativity.

As a very inexperienced writer, I'm excited to tackle the creative outlets. I was worried that I wouldn't have time to keep my creative juices flowing this semester because I'm not taking any more creative writing classes, but this should be perfect!

I think the idea that everyone will be seeing our assignments is what will keep people motivated to do their best work. There's something about people seeing your work that makes you a little nervous about doing good work, at least it works that way for me. Also, this allows for each of us to inspire each other.

Homework Images


  1. Aleshia, this post made me feel SO HAPPY. As you can see, the goal with the whole first week is to get people ready for what is coming, and it sounds like you are totally ready! I am glad the assignments are making sense. For me, the inspiration is the best part; every semester I get totally inspired by people's work in these classes, especially the projects. I'm actually taking the Indian Epics class as a student this semester, so I'll be writing and sharing side by side with everybody else in the class. Hoping to inspire AND be inspired! :-)


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