Reading Notes: Ramayana B

I was invested in this part of the story and found it more entertaining than the first part. I still found myself finding one "flaw." That is with Sita. Yeah, she's this beautiful woman and so far I think she's essentially perfect for Rama, but she's a bit stupid. The rakshasas make a plan involving one of them turning into a deer to lure her and kidnap her from Rama. The plan works, beautifully! Sita falls for this abnormally beautiful deer and sends Rama to go fetch it and then she whines until Rama's brother goes to help him leaving her defenseless. I'm okay with her being defenseless, it helps aid Rama's heroism.

I want to add to the part of the story where King Ravana is running off with her. I want to give her a consciousness where she's thinking "wow, I'm stupid" and so on. Give her some thoughts and feelings that acknowledge that she fell for this, even after Rama's brother told her specifically what it probably was. Personally, I like her character and think it fits very well with the overall story, but I think she needs to realize this.

Story Source: Indian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie and Ramayana, The Epic of Rama, Prince of India condensed by Romesh Dutt

I will focus more on the prose section and not so much on the verse part.


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