The Growth Mindset

I found myself agreeing with many of the points Carol Dweck made about her idea of the Growth Mindset. My agreement comes from my own experience. The hardest classes I've taken in college have been the ones that I came out feeling the most accomplished with upon completion. I took off a semester in the fall of 2017 and returned that following spring. I can remember when I started college I tried to avoid speaking in class, interaction with professors or classmates and trying to pick the classes that would allow me to sit in the safety of my bedroom for assignments. When I returned in the spring I enrolled in my classes and soon discovered that there were several assignments I was going to have to step outside of my comfort zone to do. I made the mental decision to buckle down and just do it, and I came out, in the end, feeling like I had grown in ability. Dweck's ideas brought me back to that. It's most definitely worth the risk of stepping outside of that comfort zone because there's so much to learn and so much room to grow.

Growth Mindset Cat, From Cheezburger.


  1. YES, Aleshia: that is exactly the idea with this class! Yay! I try to take away any grading stress so that people feel like it's safe to try new things, and if it doesn't work (or just doesn't work at first), that's actually great because it means you are learning things that are really new, and not just sticking with what is safe and familiar. So with the creative writing, for example: go wild! Even if an experiment doesn't turn out how you expect, you learn something you can use for the next story. And there is always a next story! And same with the technology: there is a whole long list of tech tips you can use to experiment with your blog, try new things online. And just like with stories, there are always new tech things to try online! :-)


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