Reading Notes: Pradyumna

Story Source: Pradyumna: Son of Krishna
Pradyumna and Rati

This comic book highlighted the rebirth of Kama, the god of love. He was reborn as Pradyumna, the son of Krishna and Rukmini.
He was destined to kill Shambara, who learns of this and kidnaps the baby. Somehow throwing this god into the ocean was supposed to kill him?
The baby is swallowed by a fish and in the meantime, his wife, Rati, attempts to enter a pyre of fire. She is stopped by the sage Narada, who tells her she should disguise herself as a maid and work for Shambara. She goes and does this and before long a huge fish is brought to the kitchen.

At everyone's astonishment, the fish is sliced open to find a living breathing baby, none other than baby Pradyumna. He is raised by Rati and the maids until he's old enough to be told his destiny.

Rati teaches him spells and off he goes to defeat Shambara.
Successful, the two run off to Krishna and Rukmini's palace.

Narada and Krishna appear and reveal who Pradyumna is. Everyone is excited the boy is back, and it's revealed that Rati is Kama's wife.

Pradyumna embraces his wife, and his mother is ecstatic that her son is still alive.
Rati is called Mayavati throughout the story.

As the prophecy had been stated, just as Shiva and Parvati are married, Pradyamna has defeated Shambara and returns home with his wife.


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