Tech Tip: Word Counter

I've been doing the whole type everything into Microsoft Word and then copy and paste it into whatever I'm doing. I get more and more tired of doing that as the weeks go by and I wish I would have known Word Counter was an option. I've been taking online classes since my senior year in high school and I feel like it would've helped a lot with my billion discussion boards. I think this will be very useful, and I'm excited to see how it will help me with the rest of this class.


  1. Hey Aleshia! Same here, I literally just have been copying and pasting my information to a Word document to see how many words I have. I have recently been using the Word Counter app and it is amazing. It is so much more convenient than copying and pasting into Word. For the first few weeks of this class I was not sure if I wanted to use the Word Counter, but now I have no regrets. I am learning so many useful tools from this class!


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