Topic Research: Son of Krishna/Kamadeva

Pradyumna: Son of Krishna
These two books actually look really interesting! I don't how well I am at writing intense action scenes, but I have to start somewhere. After I read some of it, I think I'd like to put a spin on his personality. I wonder if I can apply a new comedic Thor attitude on top of his active heroism. I think that would be fantastic, fun, and entertaining.

I included this because this was the original idea. I may find this part of the story, before his reincarnation, I may find this aspect more interesting.

Also, I don't know where to start but a story focused on the "in-between" of Kamadeva and Pradyumna. Even if it's a weird twist on Pradyumna's birth story or something.


  1. Hey Aleshia! I would be really interested in hearing about the Pradyumna: Son of Krishna topic. I love anything action, so having plenty of action scenes sounds awesome to me, plus comedy. I think that having a comedic element to it would be great. Having a comedic Thor element to the story would be amazing. You may already know this but there are plenty of stories within the Prose and Poetic Edda that involve Thor. Some of those stories do have a comedic element that could inspire you for your topic.


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