Week 5 Story: The Supermonkey

On the day that Laksmana was defeated and in a great slumber, his dear brother Rama cried for help. A sage happened to be nearby and assessed the situation.
“All that you need is an herb by the name of Vishalya Kilrani.”
Rama inquired about the great herb and was informed that it can only be found on the great Mount Gandhamana.
“But I must warn you, the herb must be collected by sunset or Laksmana will die,” the sage said.
“Who?” Rama inquired. “Can make it there that fast?”
It was Hanuman who stepped up. Hanuman the great supermonkey. His strength was unmatched by all men.
“Go,” Rama said.
Hanuman made it to the top of the great Mount Gandhamana, but his search proved impossible.

During Hanuman’s search, Ravana had realized that Hanuman is great in strength, but he could still be defeated.
Ravana called for the great Sun. “You must make the sunset, I have heard from my spy that they have until sunset.”
“But…” the Sun stammered. “I cannot do that.”
“You will do that.” Ravana left it at that. And so the Sun began to ready his chariot.

As Hanuman was searching through the grasses and the rocks on the mountain, he saw an odd sight. A strange golden chariot was speeding up as if to meet with the sun.
Thinking it quite strange, Hanuman set off to meet the chariot. As he reached the chariot, he grabbed for the reigns and began to swing them around and around. He slowly let the chariot come to a halt from it’s spinning and inquired about the man inside.
“And who are you.”
“It is I, the Great Sun.”
“Great Sun, what are you doing.”
And so the Sun told Hanuman his orders from Ravana. Hanuman pleaded with him to stop for the sake of Rama. The Sun declined, believing Ravana’s wrath to be far greater.
Hanuman reached up and captured the Sun, placing him in his armpit.
Remembering his task, Hanuman hurried to the mountain and decided to bring the entirety of it before Rama and the sage.
The sage was able to find the herb and with a few whiffs of the concoction made from it, Lakshmana began to stir.
Rama ordered Hanuman to return the mountain and upon realizing that his arm was glowing, inquired what Hanuman had in his pit.
“Oh yes, the Sun, I had to stop him from bringing the sunset too quickly by Ravana’s orders.”

The Sun was released, and Ravana remained seething on his throne.

Author's Note: I ended up retelling the story as I remembered it, with an emphasis on the parts that I enjoyed. Much of the plot was left out, especially with how long it was getting. This is the first story for this class that I didn't use the first person narrative, so that was different. I left out a lot of Hanuman's problems because they really didn't do much for the original story. They just showed over and over that Hanuman has great strength. Also, I got the inspiration for the title because in my notes I compared him to Superman.

Story Source: Hanuman to the Rescue


  1. Hi Aleshia,
    I enjoyed your story. I haven't read the comic but your retelling is fascinating. When I read about Hanuman in the Ramayana, I did some other reading on him as well. I am a little confused about the sun in the story. Is the Great Sun a separate entity than the Sun in the sky? If it is, maybe you should give the sun in the chariot a different name, even just calling him the "Great Sun" each time would work. Apart from that, I greatly enjoyed your story and look forward to reading more of them.

  2. Hi Aleshia, what a fantastic story. I think that you focused on a cool part of the story, something that I did not really remember. It was cool to see how you retold a story that seemed so new to me. The personification of the sun was a funny inclusion. Overall, great story. I had fun reading it and I look forward to more.

  3. Hi Aleshia!

    I was so excited to read this story because I didn't get the chance to read the comic. I think you did such a great job telling this story. I appreciated your attention to detail throughout the entire plot. It really helped make me feel like I was a part of the action. Hanuman is still one of my favorite characters that I've read about so far! Great job again!

  4. Hey Aleshia!

    I really enjoyed this story, I love the idea of Hanuman being the Supermonkey equivalent to Superman! I am curious, what was it that defeated Laksmana and put her in her slumber? I'm sure you omitted this because of the length but I do think it could be a helpful bit of information since they have to go to so much trouble trying to wake her! I think you did an excellent job bringing Hanuman to life, I really got a kick out of the part where he stuffs the sun under his armpit and forgets about his being there. Thanks for sharing this story, wonderful job!


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