Reading Notes: Jatakas Part A

Out of the Jatakas I read, I enjoyed the ox story the most. This ox had an owner and he was the strongest ox. He did what his master asked of him because he was treated right. The owner boasted of his ox to all that he came across.

One day he was boasting and the townspeople laugh and tell him to have his ox move all of these carts at once to prove his strength. Master brings his ox into town but he whips and calls his poor ox names. The ox refuses to move in response.

The ox and owner go home that night. The next morning the ox tells him he will make the carts move and prove his strength if his master will treat him right like he usually does. They agree and go into town where the ox does what he says. Master learned his lesson.

Ox Illustration
Story Source: The Ox Who Won the Forfeit by Ellen C. Babbitt


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