Reading Notes: Pradyumna Part B

In this part of the novel, Vama goes to Kaalasura to ask for his help and aid against the demons that have been tormenting him. Kaalasura laughs at him and kicks him out telling that he is actually not his son and does not have a claim to the throne.

Vama's mother begs for her son's life, Kaalasura grants it to him and Vama runs. Shortly after this, the truth is told. Vama is Pradyumna and his mother is actually Mayavati, his wife. Pradyumna is Krishna's son.

Pradyumna then begins to realize that he's wasted time and needs to be preparing physically and mentally. He accepts this new role and begins training.

At the end of this section of the book, we come back to meet Samba. Pradyumna's half brother, the infant born at the same time as him. Samba is an arrogant young man completely controlled by his mother who is beyond senseless. Samba screws up in front of Krishna, but instead of it humbling him he grows angry and begins plotting against Krishna.

Thus, we shall see where the rest of the novel takes us.
Story Source: Pradyumna: Son of Krishna


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