Reading Notes: Pradyumna Part C

Quite a few things happened during this part of the novel.
Pradyumna very much became the hero he was meant to be, with all of the blessings, karma, and boons helping him along the way.
He then is nearly destroyed by Kaalasura anyways, with a giant serpent type thing.

Before that, Tara reappears but transforms into a nasty creature. He almost gave into her but then he remember Mayavati was his dear wife and to her only should he be faithful.

There's a mighty battle where Pradyumna nearly takes out Kaalasura... until the giant serpent is thrown at him.

He is then told to get an axe from Bhargava. He attempts this and some truths are told.

We're then brought back to Samba, who spent years praising the son god to ask for healing. He finally succeeds but then he turns back to his ways of sin and arrogance. Thus my image.

Story Source: Pradyumna: Son of Krishna


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