Famous Last Words: I have news!

So technically I really am a writer! Let me backtrack just a second. July of 2017 I had a couple of big life events that caused me to attempt to drop out of school. I unenrolled for the fall semester and wasn't planning on going back, but between a dear friend and my boyfriend at the time I went back. I went back last Christmas break of 2017. I ended up going from December up until December straight with no more than two weeks in between classes. You could say I was exhausted by the time that last Christmas break rolled around. But that's to get to the point, I ended up taking a creative writing course at OCCC last spring because that was the only way it worked with my schedule and I had to have the credit for my degree. Best decision ever! Not only did I discover that I actually enjoy writing creative nonfiction, but also I produced four short stories. Two were creative nonfiction and the other two were fiction. My professor of the class happened to be the editor o...