
Showing posts from April, 2019

Famous Last Words: I have news!

So technically I really am a writer! Let me backtrack just a second. July of 2017 I had a couple of big life events that caused me to attempt to drop out of school. I unenrolled for the fall semester and wasn't planning on going back, but between a dear friend and my boyfriend at the time I went back. I went back last Christmas break of 2017. I ended up going from December up until December straight with no more than two weeks in between classes. You could say I was exhausted by the time that last Christmas break rolled around. But that's to get to the point, I ended up taking a creative writing course at OCCC last spring because that was the only way it worked with my schedule and I had to have the credit for my degree. Best decision ever! Not only did I discover that I actually enjoy writing creative nonfiction, but also I produced four short stories. Two were creative nonfiction and the other two were fiction. My professor of the class happened to be the editor o...

Week 12 Lab: Storybook Research

I did my lab this week on researching where I plan to take my storybook next. I don't know how well and how far I will take it yet until I begin writing, but I need at least some sort of idea. Also, considering how little I know about this culture, research can be nothing but helpful at this point. I looked more into Pradyumna's story as an overview on top of Wikipedia, the book I'm reading, and the comic book I read. I don't think you can research too much... unless you use it as procrastination. I then did a bit more research into Krishna . Pradyumna is the son of Krishna and I need to know his story as well if he's to appear in my storybook. Krishna is considered the eighth incarnation of Vishnu, which makes him a big deal in Hinduism.  I didn't remember looking over Rukmini's Wikipedia page. She is Pradyumna's mother and the number one wife of Krishna. She's also the goddess of fortune. I then figured I needed to know more about the r...

Reading Notes: Pradyumna Part C

Quite a few things happened during this part of the novel. Pradyumna very much became the hero he was meant to be, with all of the blessings, karma, and boons helping him along the way. He then is nearly destroyed by Kaalasura anyways, with a giant serpent type thing. Before that, Tara reappears but transforms into a nasty creature. He almost gave into her but then he remember Mayavati was his dear wife and to her only should he be faithful. There's a mighty battle where Pradyumna nearly takes out Kaalasura... until the giant serpent is thrown at him. He is then told to get an axe from Bhargava. He attempts this and some truths are told. We're then brought back to Samba, who spent years praising the son god to ask for healing. He finally succeeds but then he turns back to his ways of sin and arrogance. Thus my image. Arrogance Story Source : Pradyumna: Son of Krishna

Reading Notes: Pradyumna Part B

In this part of the novel, Vama goes to Kaalasura to ask for his help and aid against the demons that have been tormenting him. Kaalasura laughs at him and kicks him out telling that he is actually not his son and does not have a claim to the throne. Vama's mother begs for her son's life, Kaalasura grants it to him and Vama runs. Shortly after this, the truth is told. Vama is Pradyumna and his mother is actually Mayavati, his wife. Pradyumna is Krishna's son. Pradyumna then begins to realize that he's wasted time and needs to be preparing physically and mentally. He accepts this new role and begins training. At the end of this section of the book, we come back to meet Samba. Pradyumna's half brother, the infant born at the same time as him. Samba is an arrogant young man completely controlled by his mother who is beyond senseless. Samba screws up in front of Krishna, but instead of it humbling him he grows angry and begins plotting against Krishna. Thus, w...

Tech Tip: Countdown Widget til Graduation!

I can't believe I didn't add this already! I found the option to add a countdown widget to graduation! You better believe I'm going to be checking that countdown every week. If not every day. Installing the widget was pretty easy, I simply followed the instructions given on Laura Gibb's blog . It only took me a few minutes. I'm excited to watch the time tick by until I'm done! Typewriter Graduation

Week 11 Story: Grum Learns a Lesson

Once upon a time, there was a small giant living amongst the little people. This small giant went by the name of Grum, and all the people he lived by liked him. He was a gentle giant and took great care to keep danger away from the smallest of the little people. Grum would catch things falling before they squashed these little people. To Grum, the little people looked helpless. Grum had learned his manners from a wise old man who had found him as an infant in the mud outside the village. Grum had been taught to treat everyone well with respect and no one would ever think anything of his size. But one day, Grum was visiting his friend Argoy. Grum understood Argoy better than anyone, but the old wise man had believed Grum was meant to understand elephants. As Grum was visiting with Argoy like so many times before, a group of little people wandered nearby. They didn't notice Grum and Argoy and began to talk amongst themselves. They spoke of murder and hatred. Grum's ears ...

Reading Notes: Jatakas Part B

I found an elephant jataka also interesting. This elephant apparently acted the way he believed it had been taught. In the beginning, he was a good elephant. Then it hears some bad men talking about bad things they should do and believes that is what he should start doing. He kills several men and concerns the King. The King sends someone to check on him and they figure he must have heard some bad things. They then send out some good men to chat near his stall about good things. He hears the good things, and thus changes to be a good elephant. We can really all be like this... Elephant Story Source : The Elephant Girly-face by Ellen C. Babbitt

Reading Notes: Jatakas Part A

Out of the Jatakas I read, I enjoyed the ox story the most. This ox had an owner and he was the strongest ox. He did what his master asked of him because he was treated right. The owner boasted of his ox to all that he came across. One day he was boasting and the townspeople laugh and tell him to have his ox move all of these carts at once to prove his strength. Master brings his ox into town but he whips and calls his poor ox names. The ox refuses to move in response. The ox and owner go home that night. The next morning the ox tells him he will make the carts move and prove his strength if his master will treat him right like he usually does. They agree and go into town where the ox does what he says. Master learned his lesson. Ox Illustration Story Source : The Ox Who Won the Forfeit by Ellen C. Babbitt