Week 7 Story: The Battle

The ground rumbles as if it's quaking from the multitude of the army. The dust is billowing behind their footsteps with barely enough visual for the guy behind you to see the tail end of your elephant. With each giant hoof pounding into the packed dirt beneath you, your elephant speeds towards the enemy. This is it. There's no turning back. Time to face the enemy head-on. Grasp your sword and draw it quickly from your sheath. The shining metal glints in the sunshine as you wave it above your head. Show the enemy you aren't afraid to use it. War has been waged and you must see it through. You have pledged your life for the cause. You take a deep breath, remember that you may not keep that breath as the battle ensues. As you enter the throng of enemies by the side of your ally, your sword pierces through flesh. You feel their gasp as they cry out in shock as the metal bites into their neck. Hardly a second passes as their head begins to topple off of their body. It fall...